United Artists-Goldwyn Studios Meet – The 1980’s

1922- Simple origins of pioneers in film making…

In 1927-United Artists took over this studio…

1927Welcome to United Artist Studio Corp. Charlie Chaplin was the key to this Independent as was Buster Keaton.

The General -1926Buster Keaton

Pioneer film making that can’t be beat!The General-1926

Not scale-Not CGI-We don’t even know what that is yet” – Just a real train on a real wood bridge with a little dynamite to send things in motion..

Nothing like the real thing…1926-Cottage Grove, Oregon

Cottage Grove, Oregon location…

In 1924, Mr Goldwyn would become the founder of MGM

Thomas Ince built this Colonnade in Culver City and it was his Triangle Studios- first, but he got a sweetheart deal down the street from here thanks to founder, Harry Culver. This pioneer is who Harry loved the most. Samuel Goldwyn would take this over afterwards. All things leading up to the merger of the best of all studios…MGM!

Samuel Goldwyn would ring lead cross town to Culver City as founder of the consortium known as Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer. In 1981- MGM would acquire United Artists and has much of the library that another mogul-Ted Turner would purchase this library and TCM was born. The greatest movie channel ever devised. The only channel many of us watch- besides T.V Land. I worked at MGM in 1981 in their Film Lab. I was so proud… I was earning paychecks with the MGM logo after a decade of trespassing their lots. Moral to the story-“Don’t give up your dreams, the Universe works with you if you just let it!” MGM Film Labs, do to contracts lasted longer than MGM department. Lorimar was briefly running the place. Our shows at that time were Little House on the Prairie, Fame, Chips, Dallas and Victor Victoria. Michael Landon, well he’s the coolest guy on the lot. I met him at the guard shack, chatting with my guard friends. Larry Hagman was high profile and would often drink over at The Backstage, a watering hole across from the “South Gate” on Culver Blvd. Combat stars would drink there at ‘wrap,” the shot glasses were lined up waiting for our war hero’s.

Charlie Chaplin, Ronald Coleman, Douglass Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, D.W Griffith are the founders of United Artists in Hollywood on Santa Monica Blvd and Formosa Avenue.

Buddy Ebsen or Barnaby Jones, this hit T.V series was effected by yet another studio fire. I miss T.V Guides, the Guides were better than shows on T.V today.I’ll just read thank you, you keep the remote.Looks like Barnaby is looking for clues of the fires origin…

Bring in the Detectives Please…

Nothing like “Top Flight Detective Actors” to solve a a mystery.

This set burned down- Sometimes I don’t think the studios care when sets that are old burn, cheaper than demolition and we need area for new sets. Studio Executives are detached from sentimental journeys. We want Fresh Money!

Opened its doors in 1939, right across the street from Goldwyn Studios. Frequent visitors include Frank Sinatra, Humphrey Bogart, and Ava Gardner Even Elvis Presley and James Dean popped in. John Wayne passed out in one of the Red Leather Booths only to wake up and cook himself breakfast in their kitchen. This was the go to joint when working ‘The Lot.”

A Formosa Cafe moment – A Marilyn Monroe Birthday Party.

Samuel Goldwyn Studios looks down on this iconic establishment. Both entity’s still remain. You too-can have a Martini and dinner. The Studio is now called…The Lot.

Formosa CafeJohn Wayne once passed out here. When he woke up “after cafe closing” he made himself eggs in the kitchen. Elvis frequented here and practically everybody that worked at U/A, Goldwyn, Warner Hollywood etc. You could stumble back to work it was so close.

Trivia Every Studio has a bar just outside its gates, that’s a fact. I’ve been to them all, they even let in minors to watch the adults. Dark, sleazy, places your mother would not go. A minor, on a stool with a glass of orange juice under a haze of thick tobacco smoke. As pool gets played on tables that our crooked or ripped. “Donald Sr -where is our son, he was with you in the car” a conversation between my parents I’ve heard. “You didn’t bring Donnie here did you- you better not have” as I hide under a table. Mom knew where to find dad at certain times.

Let’s begin here-1981- MGM /United Artists

I worked at MGM in 1981 in their Film Lab. I was so proud… I was earning paychecks with the MGM logo after a decade of trespassing their lots. Moral to the story-“Don’t give up your dreams, the Universe works with you if you just let it!” MGM Film Labs, do to contracts lasted longer than MGM department. Lorimar was briefly running the place. Our shows at that time were Little House on the Prairie, Fame, Chips, Dallas and Victor Victoria. Michael Landon, well he’s the coolest guy on the lot. I met him at the guard shack, chatting with my guard friends. Larry Hagman was high profile and would often drink over at The Backstage, a watering hole across from the “South Gate” on Culver Blvd. Combat stars would drink there at ‘wrap,” the shot glasses were lined up waiting for our war hero’s.

This box remains with me today as a souvenir from my “Tour of Duty” at MGM/UA. Inside, pictures of MGM. I have box loads. That picture with the light outside my old “back cottage” says 56th Precinct. Off a show titled Popi, seen here lighting up my backyardMGM Laboratories. A story for another time, quite an experience.

Yet another film reel container from a James Bond film “Moonraker” produced by MGM U/A. Technicolor was located on the Universal Lot and all the naughty chemicals used in these labs were dumped run the L.A River at that studio. That’s why it was built alongside the channel, easy disposal.Now NBC News sits where Technicolor stood. All those slides are MGM and will be in my Picture Book of my “El Supremo” picture stash of Studio Backlots. Yes-it will be in color with a Hard Cover. My life in pictures…”Holy Shit Batman”

Out of Business …Do to no fault of mine, the desert sands shifted. MGM as we knew it was officially done.

Like a desert horizon void of water, it was time to do something else. Poisonous snakes were everywhere it seemed. It’s not easy to get jobs at the studio, so I applied for Police and Fire Department jobs in surrounding cities. I looked into stunt work, did some cool extra work, but it was the Southern California Gas Company that threw me out a solid contract. I accepted, and wouldn’t you know it, I wanted Santa Monica Base-since I lived in S.M at that time having just been married. But I was assigned to Hollywood Base, on Formosa. Just behind The Formosa Cafe and alongside The Warners Hollywood Studio. This was the former Goldwyn Studio looking down on us.

I had to watch “Cattle Calls” sometimes a block long, of pretty girl behind pretty girl “demonstrating their abilities” while trying to catch the fancy of casting directors. This line took forever to move as truck after truck of heavy equipment moved slowly down Formosa Avenue checking out who we would choose for what- Only the Lord knows…

I had taken tests for IBEW Local 40-Studio Electrician and was accepted to be a trainee but, there were no openings. I had to wait my turn, so I did this “manly man” job, working on live Gas Mains around Hollywood. Funny thing is in the studios, the jobs requirements at So Cal Gas equal 4 different unions in the studios. Here, we just wear 4 different hats and flame retardant clothing.

Teamsters, Laborers, Welders, and Electricians would be required in the studios, due to Unions- here “it’s just me and my crew leader.” I learned a lot and am thankful for it- but I wanted to be in Showbiz. I was reminded of that every time I went down Formosa. We return to base all worn out & filthy, while the studio side of the street was all smiles and kisses…just a typical days work trying to get a part on Love Boat. The most famous Party Boat in Hollywood History!

A very successful series that ran from 1977 to 1986. Basically “Love‘ sums it all up.

CastingLittle Mermaids-Where’s Mary Pickford? All So happy and full of energy. A very difficult search that’s going to take some time- says every “Male Casting Director.”

I Want Some Kisses… Too

Rumor has it -Cocaine is rampant. Not at the Gas Company-we get tested, but across the street in those long lines of females at that studio.Producers help enable this conduct” according to Lauren Tewes one of the stars.

Samuel Goldwyn wouldn’t do that…

Whose “High” in these following pictures

How come my gums are so numb?

I’m not sure” answers Margot Kidder, another regular at ‘The Lot”… “Can I borrow some clothes?” Superman even looks like-A person of interest.Fly a Straight line for me-Mr Clark – S”

The joke was the “Love Boat” smuggled drugs. Probably as accurate as it is funny. Cocaine flourished at the studios. I have stories with top actors at Universal heavily under the influence, witnessed by myself-first hand from my predecessors. Parties are legendary,

Cheech and Chong/ The Blues Brothers had a ” combined wrap party” that’s better than their movies. The stage was-Up in Smoke so to speak. Kids, well they had their own stage to play on so grown ups could “chill privately” – the kids weren’t allowed on the party stage. They had plenty of gadgets and gizmos on the stage next door, popcorn and clowns were provided to keep their little minds occupied. The studios are experts own keeping everybody happy. This was the most talked about party from insiders who lived it.

Tram Drivers and Tour Guides often lacked scruples and tuned up together before heading into the cockpit of our vehicle- tours were better that way. The kennel where the guests “dogs are boarded” doubled as a “last chance saloon.”… If those dogs could talk!

Let’s not forget the bands that played The Universal Amphitheater, no rules apply where the Red Carpet connects to the “Green Room.” The holding area where Rock Stars anxiously wait to go on stage while downing expensive and hard to get liquors, pallets full of Heineken beer , and piles of white powder. All was provided and considered a must it this holding area.

You had to feel it -to sing it.

I know I’ve been all over the Boat with this story and this iconic studio -but I’m never coming back here so lets- let it – all hang out-right! I’ve just been connecting lines and dots. I would soon get my invitation to party, not on a boat, but a tram that’s- as long as a boat.

Universal Studios hires me to be Captain of my own ShipThe Glamour TramAll Aboard Ladies!

My head is spinning -go faster!”

Written and Lived by…Donnie Norden

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