A Star is Born

Our hero begins its journey…

It’s Temple, not of doom-but life.

Change is underway…

A temple fit for Kings and Queens, built by a caterpillar…

The metamorphosis is taking place.

Transition completed.

A new life form starts it’s life journey

A Caterpillar has evolved into A Monarch Butterfly…Here testing its wings before taking flight.

No-this post is not about Movie Stars…

A phenomenal sequence of events that only nature could create was captured over a span of weeks involving the evolution of a ground crawling, multiple legged creature and its selection of where to build its transitional temple. Of all places, it chose to climb up six feet high, and build its cocoon in the eye of a statue I acquired while in Tulum, Mexico.

To the Mayan Culture, this calaveras figure represents living life to the fullest, it’s a gift that honors those who have passed on with love, courage, and a smile. This is a joyous figure and most recognizable in their culture in the Day of the Dead Festivities. I purchased it deep in the jungle while snorkeling in a crystal clear Cenote.

Immediately, it seemed to exhibit itself as a powerful figure. I felt protected as I dived into underwater caverns in the middle of nowhere. Only Iguana and Parrots looked on besides my tiny wooden figure carved by natives.

Nights on the beach watching Sea Turtles come to shore and lay eggs was “our first” wonderful life experience together. I became infatuated by life in the jungle. Time does not exist…it is infinite. Next, UFO’s seemed everywhere, performing acrobatic ballets as I studied the black sky above the Caribbean.

I was experiencing things that we are not taught in schools but that are part of life and evolution to a Mayan Culture—a people that navigated the world by starlight. I clutched my powerful little figurine like a kid with a Teddy Bear. It sat with me all the way home on our return flight. A symbol of life and inevitable death, as our spirit lives on forever.

Well, as if some superpower called out, this tiny statue took on a life of its own in my backyard. As only nature could possibly explain, a caterpillar was compelled to climb to the top of a cabinet like it was ascending to the top of a pyramid. An arduous journey indeed. On top of the cabinet sat this figure that compelled this adorable accordion looking little insect to reach the highest heights.

Upon arrival to its destination, It created a transformation temple “dead center” of the skeletal eye socket. This is where the transformation took place. Luckily, I was able to be present after the metamorphosis was completed. My now absolutely beautiful baby butterfly had just left its angelic, formerly green temple fit for a Kings and Queens to embark on yet another journey.

My multi-legged friend now sprouted the prettiest orange and black pair of wings anyone would love to have attached to them. After working its way out of a now darkened color vestibule no longer supporting this transition, my new friend was testing its wings out before finally commencing on yet another journey in life.

The world is a powerful place and it’s as if modern man has nothing compared to the gifts nature provides without arrogance, greed and mistrust. We all need to take a lesson from this chain of events. Man needs to live amongst nature, not cannibalize and extort these gifts that we do not fully comprehend.

I felt this powerful experience needed to be shared-with the entire “civilized world.”

Written and Lived by…Donnie Norden

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